Grit and a helping hand - how to attack big challenges

Charlie Johnstone

Apr 17, 2024

Unbeknownst to most, my Sunday morning began very differently to my typical sleep in. A few of weeks prior, a couple of friends and I had jokingly set the challenge for ourselves to cycle 100kms in a day to see if we could.

Unlike my friends, I did not own a bicycle - so I had to buy one.

Off to Facebook marketplace I went and as a result, I amateurly purchased a bike a tad too small for my frame, but it would do the job. I managed to practice twice over the coming weeks, with a combined cycling volume of just shy of 40kms.

As the sun rose on the day of the challenge, I was first faced with the realisation that I was in fact ill-equipped for the task ahead. The 100kms truly tested my ability to push myself beyond my limits not only physically but mentally too.

Now, while this is a nice allegory about my weekend, there isn't much to it. However, there were some key takeaways I learnt from embarking on, and finishing the feat:

1. Having people in front of you, coach you, builds confidence and resilience to the task at hand - Daniel (the most experience endurance athlete amongst the bunch), could have easily cycled the entirety of the 100kms with minimal stoppages, but aided me in my suffering by remaining close to me throughout the endeavour and coaching me with words of encouragement. In every facet of life, people are in front of us and behind, understanding where we are more personally allows us to decide whether we need to reach out to help or for guidance.

2. Being surrounded by people who want to see you succeed, forces you work harder – I am convinced that I could not have completed the ride solo. Having people around you that (in my case were wearing the same colour shirt) want to bring the best out of you, lifts you to new heights. While this seems like a passive idea, it is your job to actively search for likeminded people who will enable you to excel in whatever you want. I think we all have heard the adage that you are the product of your five closest friends.

3. Everyone needs a level of grit inside – while it was all well and good for my friends to surround me and encourage me, if I didn’t want to complete the challenge I didn’t have to. Grit combined with a supportive environment creates a great team. Whether you are trying something new or picking up an old skill, support from others is only half of the battle. Dig deep and work hard first, then cultivate your surroundings to maximise your success.

So, I hope when you are next embarking on a new challenge, at work, in business or in your personal life; you might consider these small messages and use your grit in conjunction with your amazing friends and in turn, cultivate an unstoppable force.

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